....yikes. Which probably explains why I'm so zonked out tired these days! You know it's a bad sign when your body aches and you're already exhausted by 8 am every morning!
Second trimester has truly flown by for us. Thankfully it has been uneventful and the nasty, all day "morning sickness" has disappeared.
Baby Scholten #2 is growing like a weed and getting stronger and stronger everyday. Late afternoon and just before bed seem to be the baby's active points of the day, so we'll see if that rings true once it's joined us outside of the womb. It definitely has a knack for creeping daddy out when it moves and pokes my belly into such strange shapes. It's such an amazing feeling to experience, the miracle of carrying and growing our little babies are experiences I'll forever be grateful for!
We're still holding strong on Team Green and if Scott has peeked at the envelope, he's doing a great job of hiding it!
Backstory if you haven't heard it yet. Before we reached the 20 week mark, we had the "do we find out the gender?" discussion. I wanted to be Team Green with Parker, but gave in and as we know, found out. This time around, I chose to stick with Team Green (gotta have some motivation in the delivery room now that I know what I'm getting into with labor!) but Scott was still insistent on finding out if we would be blessed with another boy or have a girl. We met in the middle. At the ultrasound, the screen was shut off when they reached that point. They still took pictures, which were put into an envelope and given to Scott to look at his own discretion. I have complete faith that it will be a secret kept until the baby is born and in the meantime, he's having fun with it. Some days he tells me we need to focus on girl names, the next it's boys. Better to have fun with it, I say. :-)
Now that Parker is settled in his big boy room (I'll have to share pictures soon!), we're starting to work on the nursery. Paint color is picked and today we focused on getting the bins of newborn "stuff" out from storage in the basement. I had forgotten just how much "stuff" we had - wow. Let's just say I have a lot of laundry to keep me busy in the coming weeks. Thankfully, squishy newborn cloth diapers are so dang cute. I never thought I would be a person to get excited over that topic, but now that P has outgrown his cloth diapers, I'm strangely looking forward to diapering a tiny little newborn. I'm sure this excitement will have dwindled by say, September? ;)
So I leave you with pictures of our basement as of right now (and a close up of the bin of diapers, seriously, so tiny and cute!).Anyone that enjoys laundry and organizing (or painting!), feel free to stop on by!
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