Sunday, October 30, 2011

The cutest Yoda ever

Scott and I started scouring for Halloween costumes about a month ago in the hopes of finding the perfect costume for P.

Low and behold, we come across this------------------------------->

Scott's decision was made.  While I have never even seen Star Wars (I know, I know, let's all pause while you gasp) I agreed that his little roly-polyness would make for a great Yoda.  Don't you agree?!

Modern day Yoda has a pacifier and cute babylegs and socks ;)

Parker made the rounds with the grandparents.  Even if he's too young to Trick-or-Treat for candy, there's sure to be some loot at Grandma and Grandpa's!

Parker with Grandma and Grandpa Jensen

Yay!  New winter pj's.  Oh, and here's some Peeps for you dad.
Oooh, my very own saw too.  I love Halloween.

Grandpa Jensen thinks he's so funny, teasing me with my pacifier.  Just wait dude.
Next stop, Grandpa Nim and Nini's!

Ha.  They dressed up the monkey too.  So glad I'm Yoda instead of a lady-bug.
Hmm, I'm not so sure about that pumpkin.... 
Grandpa Nim and Parker, er I mean Yoda swapping secrets.  Surely up to no good. Oh, those Scholten boys.

I hope all of the little ones out there had a very Happy Halloween!  I'm sure there will be lots of boys and girls hyped up on loads of sugar tonight.  Thankfully our little gremlin is tucked away in bed for the night, so I plan on enjoying that peace while I can :)

Parker's baby pumpkin that daddy decorated for him.  In honor of the silly expressions he makes (the kid and his eyebrows!).

Monday, October 24, 2011

A tribute to Rosie

My dear grandmother Rosemary lost a long, hard battle for her life today. She was the matriarch of the King family, leading her family of five children on her own as my grandfather lost his battle with lung cancer while my mother was pregnant with me well over 30 years ago.  Grandma, you were the strongest woman I've been blessed to know and fought with your all when cancer attacked your body as well; breast cancer twice and lung cancer in the most recent years.  

Your own mother just celebrated her 99th birthday last month but was still able to make the trip back to say goodbye to her daughter.  In her own words "a mother should never have to bury her own child"; however she and your sister Pauline stayed strong and sang songs from your childhood to you in your last days.

I have so many fond memories from my childhood growing up with you (you gave the best back rubs with you feet! :)) and am thankful to say that I had a great friendship with you as an adult.  The memories we created in our "Girls Gone Wild" trip to Boston and Cape Cod just five years ago will forever be in my heart. 
Borrowed from my Uncle John, this says it best:
"The title of Chief is now retired!

My Mother, Rosie, passed around 7:18 this morning at Taylor House Hospice.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers over the years that helped her to keep going.

Although it is too beautiful a day to die, My Mother left with what looks like a smile on her face.

Rosie is now wearing the wings she so richly deserves."
We love you grandma.  Give grandpa a hug and I look forward to seeing you again in Heaven. 
Clowning with your girls, Christmas 2006
Girls Gone Wild, Cape Cod - September 2006
Three generations of "King" ladies
Such a beautiful smile with the city of Boston as the backdrop

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Parker's on the move!

Which might explain why it's been so long since I've posted.  Seriously, two months?!  I guess I have lots of catching up to do :)

We'll start with his 7 month post.  In early September, he started sitting up on his own, and soon after, crawling.  His pictures will emphasize this, as I've learned it's very hard to capture a still photo of the kid! Within days of his first attempt at crawling, it seemed he was on the go, non-stop.  There was so much new territory for him to explore and he couldn't get enough.  What is it about light sockets that seem to attract little ones??  We quickly realized it was time to start baby-proofing and headed to the baby store to stock up on the socket covers.  Does anyone else think these things are people-proof, not just baby proof.  Seriously, I have the hardest time getting them off, which I suppose is the point.  If Parker gets those suckers off anytime soon, we have big problems on our hands ;)

Parker has also mastered the trick of pulling himself up and especially loves doing so on the ottoman.  
It seems the apple doesn't fall far from the tree as his main objective is to pull the remotes and/or cell phones off from it.  We decided to buy P his own cell phone in the hopes of deterring him from those (yes go ahead and laugh, we're rookies after all), but of course only the real thing will do for him.  Looks like we've got a mini-Scott techie on our hands!

Seven and eight months also brought some unwanted sickness, including another ear infection for poor P.  In fact, he and mommy were sick at the same time at one point.  Can we say not fun?!  Anyhoo, enough rambling and on to the stuff you've been waiting!!

Hey dad!
No sitting still here!
Ooh, what's that?
Looks like it's time to lower the crib!
Dude, help me escape!

Kanye's got 'nothin on me

Getting some lovin' from Koda

No time for pictures, I see a doggie dish that needs some inspecting!
Way more fun to play outside of this now!
My jungle gym, aka Daddy
Best way to transport toys!
Still loving Sophie
Sharing with his bud, Koda
Peek-a-boo with daddy and Koda.  Later mom!