Monday, December 26, 2011

Not quite a walker....(9 and 10 month pics inside!)

....but we've definitely had a "first step"!  That's right, just after he turned 9 months, Parker took his first step at daycare.....twice in one day!  Everyday he has gotten more solid at standing on his own, so it's not surprising that he's taken a few ventures at walking.  In fact, he's got the shimmy move down pat.  Scott and I enjoy watching his many tours around the ottoman or scaling the handle of the good ole fridge.  He's an old pro at crawling and can disappear from a room in the blink of an eye, so we just patiently wait and watch for our little guy to become a walker.  And let me just say, this mama is fine with waiting ;)

Here's a quick run down of the stats from his 9 month well child exam:
- weighing in at a decent 21lbs 6 oz (although from our tired arms we could have sworn it was more!)
- height shot up to 29 inches, surprisingly right around the 70th percentile for his age!

Food has been an interesting area to navigate.  More so because mom and dad just weren't sure what to feed Parker and figuring out how to introduce him to our foods at dinner.  Turns out the kid really doesn't care, as long as we're feeding him!  So far I'm loving not having a picky eater (and am aware that it could change at any time) and the buddha belly on P confirms this ;)  Our boy is a healthy growing boy, this is for sure! 

Now, time for pictures, starting off with the 9 months pics.  I'll be honest, these were about two weeks late.  Time just gets away too fast these days, along with the little mover.  Getting him to sit still for these pics has been interesting to say the least (as these pics will prove). 

Here dad, let me try
Parker perfecting his sumo stance
Baby airplane!
Silly guy!
And I'm over it.
Yep, your turn.
Just to make sure the sticker doesn't fall off.
Parker also enjoyed helping with getting the tree out and decorating.  He especially loves the big totes that hold the ornaments as they make a perfect "shelf" for him to play on and build a fort with.  And if I'm being honest, mom and dad loved them too (they stayed in the living room for over a week!) as they provided a mini baby-jail to keep P occupied while we did our chores or cooking in the kitchen :)

He loved bouncing and rolling his little balls on them
See, perfect height for the guy! (sorry for the weird coloring, I was messing around with our camera options :))
Checking out the naked tree
P also enjoyed his "magic carpet rides" around the house.  And never to be excluded from the activities, Koda enjoys chasing him!

Koda, move your paw!
Ridin' one-legged....such a show off.
And now for 11 months:

Free standing!
All by myself!
Koda - Parker face off.  Parker and him could share toys really, they're always stealing each others!
Gearing up to scale the living room wall
C'mon mom! (oblivious to Koda's shenanigans in the background)
Did you see this?!  So cool mom.

Dad have you seen how cool this vent it?!

That's it for now.  I'll be working on a few Christmas posts soon and of course the little dude turns 11 months next week.   In fact, I've already scheduled my time off for this first birthday and need to get some plans going for his birthday party.  How is that even possible?!?! :(

Thursday, November 24, 2011

A Day of Many Thanks

Parker's first Thanksgiving is winding down and I suddenly realize that I failed to take any pictures to document it.  We had good intentions, toting our camera to each stop, however we always seem to get caught up in the activities once we arrive and the thought escapes us.  Must get better at that!

So instead of loads of pictures of the boy enjoying his Thanksgiving feast (and boy did he enjoy it, we have a fan of pumpkin pie on our hands!), I'd like to share what I am so thankful for this Thanksgiving.

First and foremost, I am so thankful for our God.  He has blessed us in so many ways and we will never be able to thank Him enough.  The grace and love that we receive from Him on a daily basis is beyond what we deserve, yet we continue to receive it.

My family.  Scott and Parker are so very important to me and I shudder to think of my life without them.  Scott, you are such a loving, patient and generous husband to me.  I know I don't say it enough, but I love and appreciate you so much.  Parker, you are such a wonderful blessing to us and everyday you teach me a little bit more about myself and what is really important in this life. 

Our parents.  Raising a child is tough. Ironically, I think we both now fully appreciate what our parents did over the years to feed us, clothe us and just basically be the best parents they could for us.   Thankfully, we have a strong support line of parents who have helped us out tremendously in these last (almost) ten months, so please know how much we truly thank you for it :)

Our health.  A lot has happened this year between our two families.  Too many family members in the hospital or with other ailments and unfortunately, the loss of my grandmother.  Scott's cousin Rachel had a heart transplant recently and is thankfully thriving in her recovery.  We've said many prayers for her and will continue to for a long time.  This first holiday without my grandma is tough, however I know how lucky I am to have had the time with her that I did, as well as the opportunity to say good-bye to her.  I know so many people lose their loved ones suddenly.  Our sweet baby boy is healthy and growing like a weed, something I never realized was so precious until having a child of my own.

I hope you all were able to enjoy the day with your loved ones and please know how thankful we are to have you in our lives.

PS - I swear the next post will have some new pics of P! ;)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The cutest Yoda ever

Scott and I started scouring for Halloween costumes about a month ago in the hopes of finding the perfect costume for P.

Low and behold, we come across this------------------------------->

Scott's decision was made.  While I have never even seen Star Wars (I know, I know, let's all pause while you gasp) I agreed that his little roly-polyness would make for a great Yoda.  Don't you agree?!

Modern day Yoda has a pacifier and cute babylegs and socks ;)

Parker made the rounds with the grandparents.  Even if he's too young to Trick-or-Treat for candy, there's sure to be some loot at Grandma and Grandpa's!

Parker with Grandma and Grandpa Jensen

Yay!  New winter pj's.  Oh, and here's some Peeps for you dad.
Oooh, my very own saw too.  I love Halloween.

Grandpa Jensen thinks he's so funny, teasing me with my pacifier.  Just wait dude.
Next stop, Grandpa Nim and Nini's!

Ha.  They dressed up the monkey too.  So glad I'm Yoda instead of a lady-bug.
Hmm, I'm not so sure about that pumpkin.... 
Grandpa Nim and Parker, er I mean Yoda swapping secrets.  Surely up to no good. Oh, those Scholten boys.

I hope all of the little ones out there had a very Happy Halloween!  I'm sure there will be lots of boys and girls hyped up on loads of sugar tonight.  Thankfully our little gremlin is tucked away in bed for the night, so I plan on enjoying that peace while I can :)

Parker's baby pumpkin that daddy decorated for him.  In honor of the silly expressions he makes (the kid and his eyebrows!).

Monday, October 24, 2011

A tribute to Rosie

My dear grandmother Rosemary lost a long, hard battle for her life today. She was the matriarch of the King family, leading her family of five children on her own as my grandfather lost his battle with lung cancer while my mother was pregnant with me well over 30 years ago.  Grandma, you were the strongest woman I've been blessed to know and fought with your all when cancer attacked your body as well; breast cancer twice and lung cancer in the most recent years.  

Your own mother just celebrated her 99th birthday last month but was still able to make the trip back to say goodbye to her daughter.  In her own words "a mother should never have to bury her own child"; however she and your sister Pauline stayed strong and sang songs from your childhood to you in your last days.

I have so many fond memories from my childhood growing up with you (you gave the best back rubs with you feet! :)) and am thankful to say that I had a great friendship with you as an adult.  The memories we created in our "Girls Gone Wild" trip to Boston and Cape Cod just five years ago will forever be in my heart. 
Borrowed from my Uncle John, this says it best:
"The title of Chief is now retired!

My Mother, Rosie, passed around 7:18 this morning at Taylor House Hospice.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers over the years that helped her to keep going.

Although it is too beautiful a day to die, My Mother left with what looks like a smile on her face.

Rosie is now wearing the wings she so richly deserves."
We love you grandma.  Give grandpa a hug and I look forward to seeing you again in Heaven. 
Clowning with your girls, Christmas 2006
Girls Gone Wild, Cape Cod - September 2006
Three generations of "King" ladies
Such a beautiful smile with the city of Boston as the backdrop