Sunday, May 6, 2012

Party time! Parker's first birthday party...

Saturday, February the 4th was the big day of Parker's birthday party.  And in true Iowa fashion , the good weather surely didn't last long.  We were hit with a snow storm that morning (the Texans had to experience at least one snow fall ;))! Thankfully everyone was able to make the trek over to our house to celebrate that special day just about a year ago.  I'm pretty sure I can speak for all of our families when I say how happy we are to have Parker in our lives.  He has certainly brought us so much joy this last year!!

First of many pics - the cake! Daddy was very picky when it came to Parker's first birthday cake.  After checking out quite a few different bakeries, he settled on one that would create the cake. The theme of the party was a bit of a spin-off from our main present to him, and let me tell you, it was ALL boy.

Mommy and Parker all ready to party!

Parker soo excited for his guests to arrive!
The house was decorated with pictures of Parker - his pics with mom and dad here...
...And a few with some of his favorite peeps

You can't see the pics of his first 11 months on this banner, but take a look at that snow!
Chilling with Grandpa Nim
While Grandpa & Grandma Greenfield enjoy the snow ;)
Grandma & Grandpa Jensen - she is SO silly!
Birthday boy wearing his birthday balloon...just in case you can't find him :)
Time for presents!
Parker definitely got the hang of diggin in the bags!
Showing P the tricks of the trade - tear into the paper!

Look at those trucks! Hey, Jonathan - I got my eye on you, no stealing my toys!
Singing to the birthday boy
 And the moment we've all been waiting for.....cake!

You mean I can touch it?!
Just a taste of the frosting
Ooh, chocolate!
I wonder if they'll notice if I just smash my hand in here.

First cupcake = success!
Aww mom, is cupcake time really over??
After Parker took a quick bath to clean up (how he managed to get cake in some of his crevices, we'll never know!), he joined the party again to take a ride on his new truck.

I like to call this the "sugar high grin"

Oh yeah, I'm a big shot now ;)

And this is what I like to call "prelude to the melt down" face.  

Shortly after this point, the sugar high came to a screeching halt.  After some failed attempts at pictures with the grandparents, we decided it was definitely nap time.  Parker definitely enjoyed his first birthday and we were so happy to have all of the family together to celebrate it!

Here are a few pictures that are just so dang cute.  Parker hanging out with dad and Uncle Jonathan. 

Scholten boys.  Oh the trouble they'll show him.
For now, it's all sillyness and fun and games :)

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