Monday, June 25, 2012

18 Months!

Hey there! Long time no chat. Can you believe that the dude is already 1-1/2 years old!! Said so often, time simply flies when your having fun. And there is lots of fun being had in our house. Parker's personality is forming and showing constantly. He loves to laugh and snuggle Koda, giving him "loves". His dad is his best bud, but thankfully he still gives his mom cuddles and kisses. He's recently began climbing on the furniture and is using his chair as an apparatus to the ottoman and couch (why in the world would we sit in it?!).

The major news this last weekend - Parker's first tooth finally came in! That last bit of "baby" is finally gone - no more gummy smiles. It is his bottom left tooth and the right one will be popping through any day now. Best of all, so far there has been no change in his mood or sleep habits. Here's hoping every tooth comes on this smoothly!

Here is a list of the latest on P:

- Weighing in at 26 lbs. and 33 inches tall, he's right at the 67th percentile for his age. Let me tell you, the boy is a tank. Try carrying him for longer than 20 minutes, I dare you.

- He's a talking fool. First word several months ago was out, followed shortly by daddy. He now is also saying: up, down, mama, shoes, toes, dat (that), ook (look), book, ball, doggie.

- Meals are still a favorite for him. He's an awesome eater, only occasionally turning down the plain stuff. Even without the teeth, he's a big fan of meat. Unfortunately, he has figured out the lazy Susan in the kitchen, so he is always sure to let us know when it's snack time by emptying it out and bringing random items to us.

As you can see, he keeps us on our toes, but we are surely loving every minute of it!!

I've been on vacation this week, so more posts to follow with details of our adventures!