Sunday, January 29, 2012

As the first birthday quickly approaches....

...(insert sad face from this mama), I thought I would post Parker's first 11 months pictures.  Just a little reminder of how much this little guy has grown!

Just two days old!
One month
Flashing two fingers for exactly how many months old he is :)
Three months
Four months and starting to fill out!
Oh hey, guess what?  I'm five months old!
Six months old and never missed a meal ;)
Seven months old and drooling like a champ
Eight months is serious stuff
But nine months is SO silly!
Ten months - look ma, I can stand on my own!
Eleven months of this stuff.  You promise just one more month?

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Flashback - One year ago today (Parker's due date)

My 40 week belly pic:

And I felt as big as a house...

Little did we know, that exactly a week later, our little bundle of joy would make his entrance into the world.  I cannot believe that exactly a week from now, he will be one!!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Ladies and Gents, I think the walking will commence soon!

Yep, he's a walkin'.  In  the last four days that I've been home with Parker, I've watched him take a few steps here and there to now starting out every move walking.  He usually gets about 4-5 solid steps in before he falls to the ground, so while he's not a "full blown walker" yet, I have a feeling it's coming soon!

Here is a video I shot of P towards the tail end of his "ball of nebulizer energy" last night.  I'm pretty sure he wore a path around the ottoman last night ;)

And here is a little shot I caught this morning (if you haven't already seen it on fb) of P.  Just to give you an idea of how far the stretches of his steps go, he walked from the ottoman to the edge of the kitchen!!  Way to go little man, mom and dad are so proud of you :)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Sick, sick with a little side of sick

This has been our house for about the last three weeks now.  It started with Parker throwing up on Christmas Eve and it's been a bumpy ride ever since.  This week was no exception either.  Monday started out with a trip to Urgent Care in the evening after Parker came home with pink eye and a high fever that night. The following day a horrible cough appeared, so Scott took him to the doctor to make sure everything was ok, especially considering the bad ear infection he was just recovering from.  While they weren't 100% sure what it was, they diagnosed it as a "bronchial virus".  Parker received a steroid shot that day and his first breathing treatment and they were sent home with a round of oral steroid meds and a nebulizer along with the instructions to keep him out of daycare for the rest of the week.

Since Scott had been home with him for two days and had some things he needed to take care of for work, I took Thursday and Friday off to stay home with P.  Turns out, with the nasty weather that came in Wednesday evening, I lucked out.  Granted, I had the pleasure (if you can call it that?) of doing some breathing treatments on my own with Parker, but we both took full advantage of pj attire only for both days :)

I didn't take many pictures because let's face it - snotty noses and a teary kid who is not happy about this steam machine in his face are not really picture "moments".  However, I did snap a few on my phone:

Parker "helping" mom with laundry both days
Parker begging and lurking for more 'naners.  Even sick, the kids still loves his bananas!
We're really hoping that between the breathing treatments and medicine, this clears up the nasty stuff that has gotten ahold of him.  Honestly, these sleepless nights are starting to take their toll on all of us.  This Scholten house is definitely ready for spring and the fresh air it brings!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

For your Saturday night viewing pleasure...Parker and the remote!


Parker is so his daddy's boy.  He's always after the remote, so tonight Scott gave him free reign with it.  Watch and laugh as he totes his "dadadada's" remote around the ottoman.  Please ignore my annoying voice in the background ;)

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy 11 Months (and Happy New Year)!

And yes, I'm actually posting ON his actual 11 month-aversary!!

***Edit - ok, in my defense, I had this written last night.  However, a certain baby who shall remain nameless decided he did not want to go to bed, so after two and a half hours of mom and dad taking turns rocking and singing to him, we were too pooped to finish this post.  Oh, how I miss my easy sleeper!***

The dude turned 11 months today, can you believe it?!  We are having a hard time admitting that we will have a one year old on our hands next month and that he will no longer be our "baby".  Scott and I were just talking about what our lives were like last New Years' Eve (my pregnant self didn't make it to midnight then, new mommy self didn't this year either!).  It's so awesome to think that majority of this year was spend WITH Parker instead of without.

Not much has changed since my last post since it was just about a week ago, however I do want to mention one game that has become his favorite.  It's called the "Let's toss everything out of the crib" game.  Here's how it goes:

Step 1 - mom or dad puts Parker in the crib and loads him up with fun toys to keep him entertained while we hurry up and get ready for the day.

Step 2 - Parker whines a little as we leave the room, then realizes he's not alone in his crib.

Step 3 - Parker proceeds to grab each toy and tosses them out one by one, saying "uh-oh" after each one falls to the ground (at least this is what I perceive since I am not in there with him, although I do know he says uh-oh every time he drops something).

Step 4 - Once every toy has cleared the crib, Parker becomes lonely and realizes he misses his mom and dad, so the waterfall of tears begin.

Hopefully by Step 5, one of us is ready to go and can rescue him before the cry-fest gets out of hand!
Parker's 11 month picture shoot went fast as the poor guy has been battling a bug along with a nasty ear infection, so he just wasn't in the mood.

Really guys, another photo shoot?!

I refuse to partake in this sillyness
Why do you make me do this??
Ugh.  This is the closest you'll get to a smile.
Later.  I'm blowing this popsicle stand.
Sweet freedom, I think I see my toys!
Yes, just a few more steps...
Yay!! I missed you guys.
Oh, it's you.  And you still have that camera.  Hmph.
Wait, what's that?
A yellow ball!
And because it was so darn cute, here is a glimpse of what was hanging around the table at dinner last night while Scott and I munched on some chili:

P walking between the chairs :)
And last, but not least, Parker posing with mom and dad for his 11 month pics!

Happy 11 months kiddo, we love you!!